So we turn our heaters on and break out the blankets and scrounge around to find out boots (yesssss boot season!). And we start to notice that it's taking more foundation to do our make up and it's looking cakey. And our legs start getting itchy. And I could have sworn I had a sample of some hand lotion in my purse...
It's so dry!
Yes, this is what I hear in my treatment room every day during about mid December to March. My skin is so dry!
But the big one is, where's your suction lady? You think those crystals are what makes my skin produce collagen? No. The suction is. The suction is the power house to that treatment. And I'm pretty sure there's no tiny face Dyson in that jar. The suction is what actually turns your face red from microderm. It brings blood and lymph to every cell. It causes a surge of nutrients and wakes everything up.
Sometimes it can take a while to heal the damage done, especially if the lashes have actually been broken and the root damaged. There are plenty of lash serums out there that make remarkable claims and have even more remarkable prices, but for most my ladies, I recommend castor oil.
Licorice root not only works similarly to hydroquinone as a melanin suppressant, it also works as a melanin disperser. So not only does it tell your skin to stop producing excess melanin, it also takes the melanin that is smooshed up into the hyperpigmented area and disperses it amongst the other cells more evenly.
What does it look like when your skin is depleted of good fats? Your skin will looked parched and weathered. It won't be able to hold in water. It won't respond well (read: quickly) to treatments. It can be bumpy, scaly, and flaky. It can also be itchy. It will looked aged before its time.